Sunday, September 23, 2018
Time | Event | |
14:00 - 17:30 | Registration - Registration | |
16:30 - 17:30 | Welcome cocktail | |
17:30 - 18:00 | Congress opening - Philippe Giegé and Laurence Drouard, Catherine Florentz (University of Strasbourg), Francesco Bonomi (IUBMB), Nicolas Matt (City of Strasbourg, IMCBio) | |
18:00 - 18:30 | Keynote Lecture 1 - tRNA semiotics, fragmented ciphers and modern palimpsests - Juan Alfonzo | |
18:30 - 19:00 | Keynote Lecture 2 - A Cytoplasmic tRNA Synthetase Splice Variant Promotes Mitochondrial Homeostasis - Paul Schimmel | |
19:00 - 21:30 | Diner |
Monday, September 24, 2018
Time | Event | |
09:00 - 10:35 | tRNA biogenesis in evolution - Juan Alfonzo and Mario Mörl | |
09:00 - 09:25 | › tRNA Travels Within Eukaryotic Cells - Anita Hopper | |
09:25 - 09:50 | › tRNA decay quality control pathways in yeast - Eric Phizicky | |
09:50 - 10:05 | › tRNA biogenesis pathway in human cells - Yasutoshi Akiyama | |
10:05 - 10:20 | › Processing of armless mitochondrial tRNAs in Romanomermis culicivorax – How CCA-adding enzymes recognize unusual tRNA structures - Oliver Hennig | |
10:20 - 10:35 | › Hierarchical groove discrimination by Class I and II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases reveals a palimpsest of the operational RNA code in the tRNA acceptor-stem bases - Charles Carter | |
10:40 - 11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:00 - 12:30 | tRNA biogenesis in evolution - Sidney Altman endowment session | |
11:00 - 11:30 | › tRNAs and proteins use the same import channel for translocation across the mitochondrial outer membrane of trypanosomes - André Schneider | |
11:30 - 12:00 | › Structural basis of tRNA aminoacylation-dependent transcription attenuation by a T-box riboswitch - Jinwei Zhang | |
12:00 - 12:15 | › Studies on bacteria that encode two types of RNase P, the classical RNA-based and a novel RNA-free RNase P - Roland K. Hartmann | |
12:15 - 12:30 | › Roles and interplay of the subunits of human mitochondrial RNase P - Walter Rossmanith | |
12:30 - 12:40 | Three flash talks - Shikha Shikha - Eleni Kaliatsi - Isabell Schencking | |
12:40 - 14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00 - 15:50 | tRNA modifications - Henri Grosjean and Valérie de Crécy-Lagard | |
14:00 - 14:25 | › Comparative genomic analysis of queuine salvage in bacteria leads to the discovery of novel enzymes - Valerie de Crecy-Lagard | |
14:25 - 14:50 | › tRNA modifications and cellular quality control - Sebastian Leidel | |
14:50 - 15:05 | › The noncanonical lysine acetyltransferase activity of Elongator complex subunit 3 - Ting-Yu Lin | |
15:05 - 15:20 | › t6A modification of A37 position in tRNA and its role in plant development - Elena Zemlyanskaya | |
15:20 - 15:35 | › Structure of yeast tRNA Nm34 methyltransferase Trm7-Trm734 complex reveals its novel bipartite interaction essential for 2´-O-methylation of N34 in the wobble position of three specific tRNA species - Akira Hirata | |
15:35 - 15:50 | › Structural characterisation of bacterial m1A22 tRNA methyltransferase TrmK: Insights into tRNA recognition - Carine Tisné | |
15:50 - 16:00 | Three flash talks - Rościsław Krutyhołowa - Francesca Tuorto - Laura Antoine | |
16:00 - 16:30 | Coffee break | |
16:30 - 18:20 | tRNA modifications - Henri Grosjean and Valérie de Crécy-Lagard | |
16:30 - 16:55 | › Dynamic regulation of tRNA modification under physiological and pathological conditions - Tsutomu Suzuki | |
16:55 - 17:20 | › Diversity of I34 tRNAs in extant species, and their impact on proteome composition - Lluís Ribas de Pouplana | |
17:20 - 17:35 | › Structure and Mechanism of Threonylcarbamoyl Adenosine Biosynthesis in Bacteria - Naduni Paranagama - Manal Swairjo | |
17:50 - 18:05 | › TrmA plays an important role during early tRNA maturation by methylating and folding all tRNAs - Ute Kothe | |
18:05 - 18:20 | › Structural and biochemical analysis of the dual-specificity Trm10 enzyme from Thermococcus kodakaraensis prompts reconsideration of its catalytic mechanism. - Ranjan Kumar Singh | |
18:20 - 18:35 | Four flash talks - Eva Hegedüsová - Sophia Missoury - Mari Tagel - Qinghai Zhang | |
19:00 - 20:30 | Diner | |
20:30 - 21:30 | Poster session 1 |
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Time | Event | |
09:00 - 10:40 | tRNA in translation - Yaser Hashem and Joseph Puglisi | |
09:00 - 09:25 | › Dynamic role of tRNA in biology - Joseph Puglisi | |
09:25 - 09:50 | › Protein synthesis: from ribosome assembly to targeting of membrane proteins - Nenad Ban | |
09:50 - 10:05 | › Logical engineering of D-arm and T-stem of tRNA for incorporation of non-proteinogenic amino acids - Takayuki Katoh | |
10:05 - 10:20 | › Structure of a hibernating 100S ribosome reveals an inactive conformation of the ribosomal protein S1 and E-tRNA - Bertrand Beckert | |
10:20 - 10:35 | › Unique composition and architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial ribosome - Florent Waltz | |
10:35 - 10:40 | Two flash talks - Sylvain Debard - Jessica Hobson | |
10:40 - 11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:00 - 12:40 | tRNA in translation - Yaser Hashem and Joseph Puglisi | |
11:00 - 11:25 | › Human mitoribosomes: their idiosyncrasies and behaviour - Zofia Chrzanowska-Lightowlers | |
11:25 - 11:50 | › A cellular Quisling factor: antibacterial RNase toxins collaborate with elongation factor Tu to cleave specific tRNA isoacceptors - Christopher Hayes | |
11:50 - 12:05 | › tRNA accommodation during archaeal translation initiation - Yves Mechulam | |
12:05 - 12:20 | › Concerted regulation of mitochondrial and nuclear tRNA processing - Aleksandra Filipovska | |
12:20 - 11:35 | › Cellular levels of readthrough inducing tRNAs and their consequences in yeast and mammals. - Petra Beznoskova | |
12:35 - 12:40 | Two flash talks - Lorenzo Leiva - Mariia Rybak | |
12:40 - 14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00 - 14:55 | tRNA in translation - Yaser Hashem and Joseph Puglisi | |
14:00 - 14:25 | › Polymorphic mutations linked to tRNA and changes of local speed of mRNA translation - Zoya Ignatova | |
14:25 - 14:40 | › tRNA-recognition mechanism of Sec-synthetic enzymes - Miljan Simonovic | |
14:40 - 14:55 | › Reading the ribosome: monitoring translation in living cells with FRET-labeled tRNAs - Wissam Mansour | |
15:00 - 16:20 | tRNAomics and synthetic biology - Shigeyuki Yokoyama and Eric Westhof | |
15:00 - 15:25 | › Non-coding RNA-guided genome editing by CRISPR-Cas - Osamu Nureki | |
15:25 - 15:50 | › Natural non-canonical amino acids and the genetic code - Dieter Söll | |
15:50 - 16:05 | › pyRNAms enables semi-automated high-throughput nucleoside mass spectrometry data analysis for the common user - Johannes Leufken | |
16:05 - 16:20 | › RNA-seq for absolute quantification: Reprogramming the tRNA landscape during stress-induced bacterial persistence - Jennifer Hu | |
16:20 - 16:40 | Coffee break | |
16:40 - 17:40 | tRNAomics and synthetic biology - Shigeyuki Yokoyama and Eric Westhof | |
16:40 - 17:05 | › Massively Parallel Human Systems Biology in Synthetic Organisms - Jesse Rinehart | |
17:05 - 17:20 | › Characterization of changes in codons usage and tRNA expression levels during T-cells activation. - Roni Rak | |
17:20 - 17:35 | › Re-coding the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome through codon ambiguities - Ana Rita Guimarães | |
17:35 - 17:40 | Two flash talks - Noa Aharon-Hefetz - Damien Jeandard | |
17:45 - 19:00 | Functions of tRNA fragments and non canonical functions of tRNA - Anita Hopper and Magali Frugier | |
17:45 - 18:10 | › Mechanisms of translation inhibition by tRNA-derived stress-induced RNAs - Pavel Ivanov | |
18:10 - 18:35 | › Elucidating the function of 3ʹtsRNAs in post transcriptional -mediated gene regulation in mammals - Mark Kay | |
18:35 - 18:50 | › The multifaceted roles of ribosome-associated tRNA-derived fragments during translation control - Norbert Polacek | |
19:00 - 20:30 | Diner | |
20:30 - 21:30 | Poster session 2 |
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Time | Event | |
09:00 - 09:55 | Functions of tRNA fragments and non canonical functions of tRNA - Anita Hopper and Magali Frugier | |
09:00 - 09:25 | › Lost in translation? Transfer RNAs and graft-mobile mRNAs - Friedrich Kragler | |
09:25 - 09:40 | › Expression of tRNAs clustered nuclear genes in Arabidopsis thaliana - Guillaume Hummel | |
09:40 - 09:55 | › Enhanced tRNA gene transcription by RNA polymerase III activated in response to DNA virus infection - Nayef Jarrous | |
09:55 - 10:10 | Conference picture | |
10:10 - 10:30 | Coffee break | |
10:30 - 11:30 | Functions of tRNA fragments and non canonical functions of tRNA - Anita Hopper and Magali Frugier | |
10:30 - 10:55 | › Cracking the Code of Regulated Human tRNA Genes - Todd Lowe | |
10:55 - 11:10 | › Drosophila tsRNAs preferentially suppress general translation machinery via antisense pairing and participate in cellular starvation response - Jian Lu | |
11:10 - 11:25 | Four Flash talks - Cristina Cosentino - Y Gonskikh - Anna Mleczko- Mathieu Bruggeman | |
11:30 - 12:30 | Lunch box | |
12:20 - 13:30 | Bus - Departure | |
14:00 - 17:00 | Visit - Haut-Koenigsbourg castle | |
16:00 - 17:00 | Bus - Departure | |
16:30 - 17:30 | Dopff-Moulin - Visit of the vineyard and wine tasting | |
17:30 - 19:00 | Visit - The village Riquewihr | |
19:30 - 21:30 | "Tarte flambée" diner at Dopff-Moulin Alsatian folk music | |
22:00 - 22:00 | Bus - Departure |
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Time | Event | |
09:00 - 10:40 | Amino acyl tRNA synthetases - Hubert Becker and Claude Sauter | |
09:00 - 09:25 | › Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: Mechanistic Insights and Therapeutic Opportunities - Xiang-Lei Yang | |
09:25 - 09:50 | › Glu-Pro tRNA synthetase is a constituent of a post-translational metabolon regulating adipocyte lipid metabolism - Paul Fox | |
09:50 - 10:05 | › Adaptive Partitioning of the tRNA Interaction Interface by Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases - David Ardell | |
10:05 - 10:20 | › Mammalian Cell Migration and Socialization is Induced by exogenous tRNA - Susan Martinis | |
10:20 - 10:35 | › Reversible inactivation of yeast mitochondrial phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase under oxidative stress - Rajat Banerjee | |
10:40 - 11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:00 - 12:40 | Amino acyl tRNA synthetases - Hubert Becker and Claude Sauter | |
11:00 - 11:25 | › Making Drugs from tRNA Synthetases - Sunghoon Kim | |
11:25 - 11:40 | › Lysyl-tRNA synthetase produce second messenger Ap4A to propagates signals by polymerizing target protein - Jing Wang | |
11:40 - 11:55 | › Characterizaton of MprF-like lipid aminoacylation factors in fungi - Nathaniel Yakobov | |
11:55 - 12:10 | › A New Metalloprotein That Promotes Indirect tRNA Aminoacylation - Whitney Wood | |
12:10 - 12:25 | › Mitochondrial localized glycyl-tRNA synthetase OsGlyRS2 participates in plant response to ambient temperature - Qiang Hao | |
12:25 - 12:30 | Two Flash talks - Maxwell Baymiller - Marta Ferreira Amaral | |
12:40 - 14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00 - 16:00 | tRNA biology and diseases - Marie Sissler and Ivan Tarassov | |
14:00 - 14:25 | › Expression of an arginine tRNA modulates neuronal excitability - Susan Ackerman | |
14:25 - 14:50 | › Lack of Trit1-mediated tRNA isopentenylation impacts on cytoplasmic and mitochondrial translation and leads to mitochondriopathy and seizures - Ulrich Schweizer | |
14:50 - 15:05 | › Structural of the translation preinitiation complex from the pathogenic protozoa Trypanosoma cruzi - Yaser Hashem | |
15:05 - 15:20 | › tRNA methylation A Determinant of Mitochondrial Pathogenesis - Ya-Ming Hou | |
15:20 - 15:35 | › A deafness-associated mitochondrial DNA mutation perturbed the tertiary interaction and function of tRNASer(UCN) - Min-Xin Guan | |
15:35 - 15:50 | › TRMT1-catalyzed tRNA modifications ensure proper proteostasis and neurodevelopment - Dragony Fu | |
16:00 - 16:30 | Coffee break | |
16:30 - 17:30 | tRNA biology and diseases - Marie Sissler and Ivan Tarassov | |
16:30 - 16:55 | › “Unboxing” the diversity of tRNA-mediated transcription regulation in pathogens - Constantinos Stathopoulos | |
16:55 - 17:10 | › A model for dealing with codon mismatches in host-virus interactions: Hijacking the human tRNA epitranscriptome during flavivirus infection - Cheryl Chan | |
17:10 - 17:25 | › Phosphorylated Lysyl-tRNA synthetase (LysRS) as biomarker for cancer and cardiac prognosis - Saravanan Vivekanandan | |
17:25 - 17:30 | Two Flash talks - Yu Nagayoshi - Ana Raquel Soares | |
17:30 - 18:00 | Poster - Prizes awards | |
18:00 - 18:45 | Keynote lecture 3 - Elongation factor P is required to maintain proteome homeostasis at high growth rate - Mike Ibba | |
18:45 - 19:00 | Closing remarks | |
19:30 - 22:00 | Gala diner |
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