International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | |
The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - founded in 1955 - unites biochemists and molecular biologists in 75 countries that belong to the Union as an Adhering Body or Associate Adhering Body represented by a biochemical society, a national research council or an academy of sciences. The Union is devoted to promoting research and education in biochemistry and molecular biology throughout the world and gives particular attention to areas where the subject is still in its early development. It achieves this in several ways. | |
The Franco-German University (FGU) is a group of affiliated member universities from both France and Germany. | |
Université de Strasbourg | |
Founded in the 16th century, the University of Strasbourg has a long history of excellence in higher education, rooted in Renaissance humanism. It offers a broad range of degree programmes and trainings in the main academic disciplines. | |
Investissements d'avenir - Unistra | |
Destiné à faire émerger des pôles universitaires français de rang mondial, les initiatives d’excellence se structurent autour de projets assurant le rayonnement scientifique de la France à l’étranger et accélérant l’innovation et le transfert technologique vers les entreprises. | |
Strasbourg.eu - Eurométrople | |
The City and Urban Community of Strasbourg play a very substantial role in providing facilities, modernising and developing universities and higher education establishments | |
The RNA Society | |
A non-profit, international scientific society with more than 1000 members dedicated to fostering research and education in the field of RNA science. | |
Sidney Altman Endowment Lectureship | |
(Administered by Yale University and the Altman Laboratory Alumni) | |
Nucleic Acids Research | |
Nucleic Acids Research ( NAR ) publishes the results of leading edge research into physical, chemical, biochemical and biological aspects of nucleic acids and proteins involved in nucleic acid metabolism and/or interactions | |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences | |
The International Journal of Molecular Sciences provides an advanced forum for molecular studies in biology and chemistry, with a strong emphasis on molecular biology and molecular medicine. | |
MitoCross LabEx | |
The MitoCross LabEx consortium is composed of six laboratories based in Strasbourg and working on various aspects of mitochondrial research. | |
NetRNA LabEx | |
The NetRNA consortium involves eleven teams working on different aspects of regulatory RNAs in various organisms. | |
CNRS | |
Present in all fields of knowledge, the CNRS features among the world's leading research organizations. | |
Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes | |
The IBMP is the largest CNRS institute devoted to plant sciences. Our research programs use functional genomics, genetics, molecular and cell biology and molecular enzymology. | |
IMCBio: the Integrative Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate School | |
MCBio is an unprecendeted training project focused on integrative molecular and cellular Biology. | |
Agilent | |
Agilent delivers complete scientific solutions, helping customers achieve superior outcomes in their labs, clinics, business and the world they seek to improve. | |
New England BioLabs | |
New England Biolabs is a recognized world leader in the discovery, development and commercialization of recombinant and native enzymes for genomic research. | |
Filtration - Rapid Tests - Water analysis - Chromatography - Bioanalysis | |
Dell EMC serves a key role in providing the essential infrastructure for organizations to build their digital future, transform IT and protect their most important asset, information. | |
ArrayStar Inc | |
Arraystar is dedicated to empower biomedical science researchers' understanding of regulatory non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), which have become one of the most fascinating and challenging aspects of biomedical research in the 21st century. | |
Socorex | |
High precision instruments | |
Zeiss | |
ZEISS is an international leader in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. | |
DataCore | |
Think differently about IT infrastructure | |
Axians | |
Axians offers a comprehensive range of ICT solutions and services spanning business applications and data analytics, enterprise networks and digital workspaces, datacenters and cloud service, telecommunications infrastructure and cybersecurity. | |
antibodies-online.com | |
The online marketplace for proteomic products | |
Dutscher SCIENTIFIC | |
Laboratory equipment and consumables |
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